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Android App release version 0.7.2

Mar 10, 2014 | News
Android App release version 0.7.2

It’s our pleasure to bring you another update today after our public release of InoReader version 7.2 and the Google Chrome extension version 2.0.

It’s our new Android release version 0.7.2!

You can get it at Google Play.
We have put a lot of effort into this version to bring you the most wanted feature – Tablet view, but not only this, a lot of other features and bug fixes are introduced in this version. Here’s the full list:
★ Added tablet layout
★ Added built in browser (it will be possible to disable it in the next version)
★ Redesigned settings menu
★ “Subscribe in InoReader” sharing intent. You will now be able to subscribe to sites from your browser using it’s Share function
★ Option to move the app to SD card
★ Redesigned icons
★ Added full offline sync with ability to synchronize all or frequently reed feeds (disabled by default).There is a limit to 10000 articles when sync all feeds
Important! Full synchronization may consume a lot of CPU and bandwidth
★ Ability to synchronize via WiFi only
★ Added notification in status bar for downloaded articles (disabled by default)
After this version we are planning to have a lot shorter release cycles with fixes and features.
Tell us what you think, your opinion is important!
The Innologica Team